On the afternoon of February 29, I had the pleasure of meeting West Oakland Stories founder Mr. Ed Howard, a man of warmth and dignity. As we are both native Oaklanders, we enjoyed exploring the commonalities among our generations and cultures, as the city has long been home to deep-rooted Black and Greek communities.
Born in Waterproof, Louisiana in 1937, Ed Howard moved with his family to Oakland in 1942 where they resided in the Bayview, Harbor Homes, and Campbell Village Projects. Growing up in West Oakland, Howard enjoyed the neighborhood’s sense of camaraderie as blacks from all over the country settled in the area that would eventually be known as the “Harlem of the West.” A charismatic character from the time of his youth, Howard utilized his smarts and charm to eventually become a head engineer, instructor, and job developer for Kaiser Engineers of Oakland, and an advisory board member of Kaiser Industry’s. In addition, he holds many other titles, chief among them: owner and vice president of Social Dynamics consultant firm; nightclub owner of Ed Howard’s Place; owner of EH Engineering – Department of Defense contracting firm specializing in Reverse Engineering/Research Development; and Producer and creator of the Channel 7 (KGO-TV, San Francisco) TV show “Black Dignity.”

He is also a film and stage play producer. Currently, Mr. Howard is the Chief Executive Director and national spokesman for West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement (and creator of the “No Negative Speak [“NNS]” motto) a non-profit preserving the stories of elderly black West Oakland as a way to archive experiences for the next generations. Forefathers of the classic Oakland mystique, the elders of WOSPFM spread positivity throughout the community via a commitment to uplifting speech and actions that encompass black Oakland pride.
Click on link below to see West Oakland Stories film of the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s spreading positivity throughout the community. https://westoaklandstories.org/ then click on “Stories and Spotlight” (at top of page)
As a believer in the ethos of the WOSPFM, I’m honored to begin a series of posts sharing Mr. Howard’s story.-
Photo 1 – Ed Howard with his mother and older brother in Louisiana.
Copyright © 2020, West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Org.