Linda Kerr

I will most definitely implement your “NNS” suggestions to my family, my peers, and the community at large.

Shae James

I applaud you as a positive force of a brilliant man Mr. Ed Howard. It’s a remarkable life you’ve lived an living! I’m pleased in processing the history of your stories & of West Oakland’s History of Stories! This is ever so needed! Absolutely welcomed…The NO Negative Speak movement, blessings abound for the masses!

Black Oakland has shown the world how we operate in our positive way at Lake Merritt by creating our own Natural Positive Black Culture and Business space in Oakland and the Black Elders Representative was their supporting “No Negative Speak” with each other movement that has grown all over Oakland.

See the NBC news link dated Oct. 29, 2019 below showing how we Elders along with Onsaya Abrams, Kenzie Smith, Reisa Jaffe and me (Ed Howard) handled our business in this news clip.…/BBQ-Becky-Anniversary

‘BBQ Becky’ Anniversary Cookout Held at Lake Merritt in Oakland

<p>Dozens of people gathered at Oakland’s Lake Merritt on Sunday to mark the anniversary of the so-called “Barbe…

The statement below is what West Oakland Stories Positive Movement Org. is representing before, during and after the “BBQ BECKY” incident.

Black Oakland sometimes when you are doing great things you are not aware of it yourself. We, Oakland Black Elders, are taking the time to positively bless you. Take the Oakland BBQ BECKY situation, you didn’t trip you just smoothly, intelligently, and positively went to Lake Merritt and made it into a beautiful Black “NO NEGATIVE SPEAK” (NNS) with each other and a Culture and Black entrepreneur experience for not only Black Oakland but all Oaklanders.

We, Elders, are blessing Black Oakland because we know who you are. You have always been able to show your leadership. Black people all over the country and others are looking up to you. In the news clip above notice the “NNS” positive way Onsaya Abrams, Kenzie Smith, Reisa Jaffe and I (Ed Howard) handled our business. Keep on showing the “NNS’ with each other that you demonstrated in this NBC news clip

The Elders are showing you by example above what “NNS’ with each other and being positive with each other will do to free us to be who we really are.

Now is the time to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this Post.

Copyright © 2020, West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Org.


The point of this post is to let the world know that Black Oakland Elders of West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement (WOSPFM) have been guiding you into your Positive Cosmic Consciousness when you say the words “No Negative Speak” (NNS) with each other.  Continue using the words and you will see the positive manifestation of a people that the Slave System made negative.

What is Cosmic Consciousness?

We want you to understand Cosmic Consciousness (CC) to be a state of mind where you actively filter your thoughts through positive emotional currents (NNS) before you engage with other people. This is a technique to provide a greater context for who you are.   

How Do I Practice Cosmic Consciousness?

Instead of giving a person or situation the power to make you react from a place of uncertainty, fear, anger, we want you to use your Cosmic Consciousness.  NNS and CC are interchangeable.  Don’t try to explain NNS, using the words are simply the path way to your CC.

1.      You carry a lifetime of positivity in you – you are just not aware of it.

2.      Remember the big picture – we’re all tasked with being better versions of ourselves over time. Be patient with yourself and others.  Don’t get THIS twisted, always watch your surrounding!

We Elders see this principle manifesting in many ways as I have demonstrated IN THE LINKS  below:

#KwameBrown #basketball #player

is a living example of the manifestation of his Cosmic Consciousness being displayed showing you how a Black man is representing himself in a positive way.  In other words when you get in touch with your positive self you will see the positive results. No limit to your possibilities.

The Oakland Black Elders have been leading you for some time along the path of being positive with each other. A few examples from our community can be seen in Black Oakland’s positive response to BBQ BECKY…/BBQ-Becky-Anniversary…,

The Black Panther Movie (link),

The West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Spotlight Posts;     

The West Oakland Stories Film:

Many of you have already practiced Cosmic Consciousness (NNS”) and you don’t even know it. If reading this post reminds you of any times you have practiced Cosmic Consciousness, please share your experiences in the comments below.

Ed Howard,

Chief Executive Director

West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement



We are spotlighting Mary Ann Tidwell Broussard because she is one of our followers testifying to the power of “No Negative Speak” with each other.  We Elders know she is getting in touch with her COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS (CC).  You can’t help yourself from being positive when you get a dose of some CC.  




I will continue to share my ideas and stay in touch from time to time. I’m elated that you’re interested in my input; I don’t mind sharing at all.

You, Ed Howard is the founder, CEO, director, creator and the teacher of WOSPFM; only you can decide when to go forward.

It’s somewhat scary to share ideas and not knowing if you are going to hear from the 
Individual/s again. Particularly if it occurred before!

Sometimes, or I should say “most of the time we have the inclination to be aware of who we can trust.” I will read your story as I’m not that familiar with your projects other than the comments you’ve shared on Facebook.

The first time I shared information with you I was so afraid to read your response! You’re a fighter for the good of “NNS” as it shows in your replays to me. Speaking Positive comments made me feel better and encouraged me to engage in projects that I once enjoyed before my daughter transitioned.

“For all I know you may not use any of the ideas;” and “the suggestions could have been the worst thing you’ve ever read!” Maybe, just maybe making no sense at all or anything close to being grammatically intelligible.

Albeit your positive thoughts in living “No Negative Speak” gave me another meaning instead of dread or worse, “no responses at all!”

I apologize for my lengthy responses, however, you let me know that “I still got it,” and it makes me feel proud. We all know our worth but it doesn’t matter if “we” are the only ones who are aware.

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We ready to move out across the country, so SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

Ed Howard,

Chief Executive Director

West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Org.

GoFundMe link



Circa 1969, Social Dynamics, Inc. (SDI) of Berkeley, was a premier consulting company, focusing on education and minority owned business growth.  After struggling to find a place in government jobs, the opportunity to work at this black-owned, progressive company was a sweet relief.  There I found two brothers, Ernest G. and Ed Howard, running the helm.  They were supported by a multi-cultural staff of professionals with educational degrees in a plethora of fields, like I had never seen or even imagined.  In fact, I had never heard of a “doctor”, who was not a medical doctor.  Being in that situation challenged me – with my Oakland Technical High School diploma — to learn more and do more with my life.

Ed Howard and his brother demanded the best!  If you worked for SDI, your life and lifestyle had to meet and always maintain a level of dignity and a sense of proper decorum.  Even after SDI closed, I stayed connected, following brother Ernest to BART where I worked as his secretary for 13 years. Why had I become so enamorate with this family?  Because they provided a role model for me that I had never experienced – they were compassionate and committed and always demonstrated a love for the community – particularly the West Oakland community.

I am writing this to let you know that I am a by-product of our beloved West Oakland.  No I never lived in West Oakland, but the Howards lit my path to success.  SDI was a long time ago, but between that first day as a clerk-typist at SDI until now – as a retired adjunct college instructor and City Clerk of the City of Newark, California the road has been bright.  I can’t turn my back on the brothers and their community that poured so much into my life.  Please join me in supporting Ed and WOS regularly.  Will you pledge with me to give money to this great cause at least four times a year?  Regular contributions will help to keep this movement alive and thriving. The amount is up to you.  I encourage you to send your donation today.

We have a great opportunity to make a difference in the future of our people.  There are hundreds of thousands who can benefit from our working together to help them to become by-products of the great West Oakland community.

Expect the best,

Frances Miller Rogers

Ed Howard

Chief Executive Director

West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement, Org.




Thanks to all of you for the strong support in establishing the tradition of recognizing the history of Oakland’s Black Pioneers in the West Oakland (WOS) film of the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s.

From now on, on the last Thursday of February’s Black History month all can view the WOS film with family, friends and others so that our Oakland Black History will live on forever.

Save this link for the WOS film and you can view the film anytime during the year.


Ed Howard

Chief Executive Director

West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Org.

May be an image of text that says '2. Share This Historic Announcement With Your Friends and Family Tell your friends! Tell your family! You haven't experienced "storytime" like this before! We elders have a lot of love and experience to share! Come one and come all! WOSPFM'
May be an image of one or more people and text that says '3. "Like' This Post Το Help Raise Awareness LIKE A lot of "Likes' adds up. Even if you're unable to attend or share our event, clicking that "Like" button does a lot of good for us, since it alerts your network to our post. Every little bit helps! WOSPFM'
May be an image of one or more people and text that says '」 4. Share Your Positive Thoughts On Our Website - Visit our website: We're establishing an authentic documented history of Black Oakland, as told by its Black Elders, and we'r always looking for new contributions. Tour our site and leave your thoughts in our comments section as you go Be sure to contact us via email or direct message you or an elder in your community would like to contribute to our growing collection of stories and lessons. WOSPFM'
May be an image of one or more people and text that says '5. Join Our Mailing List for More Updates Follow Us on Social Media f @wospfm Email Us: @oakland_west @wospfm @westoaklandstories WOSPFM'
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'HERE'S C WHAT YOU CAN DO NOSPFM'
May be an image of text that says 'WOSPFM's 2021 Black History Month Checklist Mark Your Calendars- This is an ANNUAL Event Visit to Learn More About Our Organization and the "No Negative Speak" Movement Tune In on the last Thursday of February Each Year to View the WOSPFM Feature Film to Keep Black Oakland's History Alive Forever Join Our Mailing List and Follow Us on Social Media f Tell Your Friends and Family About Us! WOSPFM'
May be an image of Faye Howard and Ed Howard and text that says 'Thank You for Your Support!'




Now you hear so much positive things about Black Oakland then you ever have. We the Black Elders of the of this Movement have worked very hard at creating this Positive Movement.   

See photos of West Oakland Black Pioneers fondly reminiscing at the West Oakland Stories (WOS) FILM PREMIERE at McCLYMONDS High School.

It is up to us to show the world who we are. Get involved and share this message.

This film is a positive image that you do not see in today’s media depiction of Black Oakland or any other U.S. urban city.  Join me in taking a step in creating a New Positive Feeling Movement About Black People in Oakland, California.

When you see, hear, and feel Black Oakland Pioneers in this film you will naturally begin to understand who we are.  This will awaken you especially the young generations and they will feel the positive power of the film and what Pioneer Poet, Carol Westbrook Curtis, is feeling and expresses at the end of the film.  She said “I know who I am now”.  Black Oakland you have forgotten who you are.


There are people who are part of the Slave System in Oakland that don’t want you to see this film because it will wake you up.  This is why I produced this film so that we can begin to start a new Positive Feeling Movement in Black Oakland.

The West Oakland Stories film is a collection of Black Pioneers who lived in West Oakland and Oakland in the 40s, 50s, and 60s talking in a down-to-earth conversation about how special it was to grow up in West Oakland during that time. Most of us did not realize it at that time but now we know how different, unique, and special we were.

We placed West Oakland and Oakland on the map in our time across this country and the world. No one should forget that. We must honor the stories and images of the Black Pioneers who lived this experience because we will not be here much longer.

This film is not asking to be approved by some of the Slave System appointed leaders, community organization leaders, religious leaders, or the politician.  This film is approved by the Oakland Black Pioneers and their approval is coming right out of their spirits and mouths as shown in the WOS film. 

This is the prototype film that will spread the movement across this country, and it started in Oakland its rightful place of Black leadership.

Much Respect

Ed Howard

Exertive Director

West Oakland Stories Positive Feeling Movement Org.